Its scientific name: Monstera deliciosa . Better known as Adam’s rib, giant’s hands or Mexican bread, this curious and lush plant from the tropical areas of Central America will turn your living room into an exuberant and elegant room, and with the advantage of moderate care. If you find the name curious, read on and find out why.
Coming from Central America and some parts of South America, this magnificent plant adorns and decorates many interiors. It is very common in offices, waiting rooms and places of this nature. Why? Well, very simple, leafy, beauty and easy care . Its scientific name is Monstera Deliciosa , but in Spain it is better known as Costilla de Adán. If you wonder why such a Biblical reference, you just have to look at its exotic leaf.
In other countries it is known as giant’s hands. Nor does anything such a qualifier strange. But the interesting thing is the origin of its scientific name. The Monstera thing is related precisely because of the fact that it is giant, and that of delicious because its fruits must honor that adjective.
In indoor conditions, as with other plants such as Kentia , it is evident that it will not reach great heights, but in its natural jungle state it can reach up to 10 m. Another disadvantage is that indoors we will only be able to witness its vegetative lushness. We will not get it to flourish and of course, we don’t even talk about the fruits.
Unfortunately, we will have to believe how delicious it is. What we will undoubtedly achieve is a very prominent leaf volume that will undoubtedly dress any empty corner of the living room, office or other dependencies.
Medium-high temperature. Normal home temperatures are within normal ranges. In summer it can suffer with temperatures above 27 ºC. Hence the need to increase the frequency of irrigation and foliar sprays. What we must be especially careful with is the cold and drafts. Less than 15 ºC are not recommended.
Although the shadow does not sadden it, for its optimal development it requires a good level of exposure . Be careful, always indirect. Direct exposure will burn the leaves.
As we have commented, it is not difficult to care for and therefore irrigation should be moderate but without great particularities. Tolerates shortage better than excess. As a guideline, wait for the substrate to dry before applying the next watering.
Like any plant of this nature, it will appreciate that we spray the leaves during the summer months with water with low lime content . The frequencies will in any case change depending on the season of the year. Summer, every 3-4 days. Winter, every week or even more.
Without a doubt it must be draining. It will require at least ¼ of sand well homogeneous with the rest of the substrate to ensure this property. The rest can be equal parts mulch and peat. If we want a good development we can opt for fertilizer for green plants every 15 days in the growth period.
During the winter it can also be applied but with a monthly frequency, if desired. It is also convenient to change the substrate every 4 years.
The multiplication of the Adam’s Rib is carried out by stem cutting in summer and it will be necessary to stimulate it with rooting hormones directly on the substrate. The rooting phase is a bit heavy because it requires high humidity.
For this reason we will need a humidifier if we live in areas with a continental or dry climate. If we don’t have a humidifier, frequent sprays should be enough.
The leaves begin to darken at the tip: Possibly overwatering and exposure to cold currents. On the contrary, if the leaf turns yellow, although it can also be due to excessive watering, it is usually a sign of lack of fertilizer.
Excess moisture in the substrate can cause growth to stunt. If this is the case, increase the proportion of sand for better drainage.
A low sun exposure hinder the development of the cut sheet form so characteristic.
It is very likely that these crevices are due to a natural decrease in the leaf area to counteract the high luminosity of their natural habitat. If we deprive it of this exposure, the plant reacts by generating leaves with more surface area.