The broccoli is a food with a double duality. There are people who like to eat it for its taste and texture and others who hate it but have no choice but to eat it for their health. Young children are clear, broccoli never! However, we are going to teach you how to grow it in your garden.
The broccoli ( Brassica oleracea italica ) belongs to the family of the Brassicaceae or, as is known, cruciferous . In this family we have important members of your garden, such as cauliflower (practically the sister of broccoli), kale, kohlrabi, turnips, Brussels sprouts, etc. What is most striking is its great gastronomic power.
Despite its particular flavor, it is rich in dietary fiber and vitamin C (more than an orange juice, as a curiosity) and anticancer compounds . Be careful not to boil it excessively, because after 20 minutes of cooking it loses 70% of all its beneficial compounds. It is advisable to look for alternatives such as steam cooking or Wok sautéing.
Broccoli is typical of Mediterranean areas. As it needs a dose of cold, it is usually grown in the autumn or winter seasons, depending on the area. That said, you can play a lot with all the currently existing varieties to adapt it to the climate of our area.
Although it does not have important demands on the soil, it is best and most indicated for it to be placed in a garden with a medium texture and good drainage . In this crop, contrary to the vast majority, it does not allow an excessive softness of the soil as would be convenient following the doctrine of the deep bed . It prefers a compact soil so that the leaves do not open excessively and expose the pellet to inclement weather.
As for the fertilizer, the size of the broccoli at harvest is greatly influenced by the presence of organic matter in the soil . It can be applied both as a background fertilizer (when we prepare the garden to receive the plants) or by padding around the stem.
We insist again that the mulch must be compacted with the hoe or with your own hands.
In relation to irrigation, it requires constant humidity throughout its cultivation. That is why we have discussed the need for a well-drained soil . One tip is to reduce these risks when the pellet is about to mature, since this improves the organoleptic characteristics of broccoli.
Given the date on which it is planted (or it is sown in spring or summer, depending on the variety chosen), it is convenient to sow in seedlings or protected spaces (greenhouse, inside the house in pots, etc.) and wait to germinate the plant and grow a little to transplant it definitively, if the climatic conditions are pleasant. Once cultivated , it is harvested in winter.
We have already discussed the main pests and diseases of broccoli . Its control is carried out by phytosanitary, but if you want to do it in an ecological way you can help yourself with plant extracts or ecological insecticides for plants.