We have our eye on a plant that would be perfect in our garden. We even know where we would plant it and we think how envious the neighbor is going to get when he sees it. So the first thing left to do is go to the nursery and buy it. STOP! Not without seeing these tips on buying plants first . Let’s go there!
The fact of selecting the best variety, the healthiest plant or that tolerates better bad conditions greatly influences the results you can obtain from it. As results we refer not only in terms of production, since if it is an ornamental plant it will be expected that it has large and showy flowers or its growth is adequate and we achieve the best effect in our garden.
The first thing we have to do is know what type of soil we have in our garden. Knowing this directly we can discard some purchase options or include some plants in our list of possible candidates to occupy a place on our plot.
As we have already commented in some entries about varieties, there is a huge amount of different types of plants of the same species. For example, if we want to plant an olive tree we have many varieties to choose from. Some with more oil, others with less but higher quality, some with greater adaptation problems … puff, a world! But don’t worry, we will help you. Another option is to ask neighbors that you have proof that certain varieties have done well and share experiences.
The nurseries near the area where you live, when buying plants, sure enough options offered. If the one closest to your home does not satisfy you, you have to move a little further but hey, in Spain at least the market for the sale of plants is very common and they even offer transportation facilities. In addition, when buying plants, nurseries usually have specialized people who will be in charge of advising you and therefore you should not hesitate to ask questions (If my soil is acidic, will it develop well? Will it present deficiencies? will it freeze? etc.).
For the purchase of plants such as trees and shrubs, the acquisition period is usually during the dormant season. Be careful that it has a fibrous, wound-free root system, a well-formed tree crown, and long, undamaged shoots. It is not very common but some fruit trees can present pests and diseases . Take a look at the leaves to make sure the tree is healthy.
The biggest tree is not necessarily the best. You must consider many more options. It may be that in nursery conditions it has grown optimally but is poorly adapted to bare soil or is more susceptible to diseases when planting time. It can be larger but more stunted, be defoliated, have a crooked trunk, etc. A global balance of the state of the tree must be taken into account.
When you buy plants, do not accept those whose roots are outdoors and are not protected by sacks or pots.
Herbaceous plants are bought throughout the year. We acquire the plants in pots or containers and reject those that present diseased leaves, buds with rot, bleached stems (excess temperature and lack of light), etc.
The adaptation process of these plants is more difficult, generally, compared to other classes of plants. If we select a species that does not present vigor, it may not know how to adapt to the final soil. In previous posts we told you that you have to graduate the adaptation process of the plant . We cannot acquire a tomato plant, for example, accustomed to nursery conditions with high temperatures and without exposure to wind or direct solar radiation, and plant it without further ado on a summer day. It “saddens” and if we do not remedy it, it dies. The best thing is to expose it little by little with semi-shade, abundant watering and prepare the land properly by providing a good amount of substrate. In this way, the chances of survival of the recently acquired plant increase exponentially.
Surely you will know some tips or tricks and we would like you to tell us about them. We have a lot to learn!