Main varieties of olive and almond tree


When implanting a crop, in this case, an almond or olive tree, it is important to select the variety that best suits our interest. This interest lies in choosing the variety that best suits the climate, soils or tolerance to pests and diseases of the region. In this section we show you the different characteristics of both olive and almond varieties.



The characteristics of the new varieties show a later flowering, with the aim of reducing frost damage, tolerance to adverse conditions, as well as pests and diseases, and in general, an increase in production yield.

Marcona: it is the best known variety in the world and of the highest quality. It generates a great production and has a late maturation. It is sensitive to frost

Red faint: it is a Spanish variety (Aragon) with late flowering. It has resistance to cold and drought.

Desmayo largueta: it is also a Spanish (Catalan) variety. It has a medium vigor, branched and semi-resistant to cold. It presents a high and early flowering.

Guara: it is a self-compatible variety of early maturation and late flowering. It has medium vigor and is resistant to frost.

Antoñeta: it is a Spanish variety of great production. It has early maturation and late flowering. It is resistant to frost.

Atocha:  it is also a Spanish variety of great production and quality almonds. It is a large and vigorous tree, abundant flowering and resistant to drought.

Colorada: variety of high productivity and vigorous. Blooms intensely. It tolerates drought and is resistant to late frosts.

Garrigues: it is a Murcian variety, very vigorous and self-compatible.

Moncayo: late flowering. Vigorous self-supporting tree. Has little branching

Marta: produced by hybridization (Ferragnes x Tuono), presents late flowering, great production and self-compatible.

Nonpareil: it is a very vigorous tree with a straight bearing and little branching. It presents a semi-early flowering.

Esperanza: it is a Spanish variety (Tarragona) of medium production and good quality. The almond tree has abundant flowering. Vigorous and tolerant to fungi.

Cartayera: it is a variety native to Andalusia, productive and early maturing. Presents early flowering.

Ayles: self-compatible Spanish variety, medium vigor and late flowering. It is resistant to frost.


The most recognized varieties in terms of production, resistance to frost are the following:  Lauranne, Mardía, Soleta, Belona, ​​Marta, Ferragnes, Masbovera and Guara  among others.

Depending on the characteristics that are required, the grouping of the varieties is carried out as follows:

Varieties of late flowering, self-fertile:  Marta, Soleta, Felisia, Penta, Mardía, Tardona, Belona, ​​Guara, Lauranne, etc.

Varieties of late flowering, self-incompatible:  Glorieta, Tarraco, Ferragnes, Ferraduel, etc.

For the Mediterranean area, it is suitable to plant «Double fina» for pollination of «Marcona», to the detriment of «Desmayo Llargueta», because its flowering is prior (20 days) to «Marcona».


Picual:  rapid entry into production. High productivity. Medium quality oil. Tolerant to tuberculosis but susceptible to verticillosis and repilo.

Hojiblanca: it is a variety for oil production. (High quality and low production). Presents resistance to fruit shedding (makes harvesting difficult). It is susceptible to repilo, verticillosis and tuberculosis.

Cornicabra: this variety has great adaptation to poor and dry soils. Great oil quality. It is very sensitive to repilo and tuberculosis.

Arbequina: presents early entry into production. Great known in Spain and production of quality oil. It presents a small olive.

Lechín de Sevilla: good rusticity and tolerance to poor and dry soils. It presents difficulty of mechanized harvesting. It is susceptible to tuberculosis but has great resistance to repilo.

Empeltre: olive tree with a rustic character, medium vigor and upright bearing, with simple mechanical harvesting. It is resistant to verticillium and very sensitive to blades.

Chamomile: olive tree of medium to low vigor and open bearing. It presents late maturation and early flowering. High productivity. Sensitive to repilo and tuberculosis.

Cuquillo:  resistance to dry and limestone soils. Of great vigor and productivity. Carry upright. It has a small fruit.

Mallorquina: it is located in the Balearic archipelago. Resistant to drought and limestone soils. High vigor and erect bearing.

Lechín de Granada:  vigorous tree of medium size and thick crown. The fruits are of medium weight, ovoid in shape and somewhat asymmetrical. Variety that tolerates cold well, ripens late and produces excellent oil. Extended by Granada, Almería, Murcia and Albacete.

Loaime:  low and upright tree, crown of medium density. Elliptical and broad leaves of medium length. Spherical, medium weight and slightly asymmetric fruits. Variety resistant to drought and intended for table olives. It is cultivated throughout the province of Granada.

Pike:  vigorous tree, wide, thick and open crown. Olive with an ovoidal, symmetrical and heavy shape. Vigorous variety, sensitive to cold and fruits of early maturation and destined to the production of oil. Cultivated in the province of Granada.

Cacereña Chamomile:  low vigor tree, medium crown density and open habit. Fruits of high weight, spherical and asymmetric. Variety that adapts well to the cold, with high productivity and early maturation.

Mollar de Cieza:  tree with a thick crown, low vigor and open habit. The olives are ovoidal, medium weight and slightly asymmetrical. Variety susceptible to cold and drought. Early maturing and high and constant productivity. It is grown mainly in Murcia.

Moorish:  tree with a thick crown, erect bearing and medium vigor. Fruit of very high weight, ovoidal and asymmetrical. This variety is sensitive to cold, ripens late and has high productivity. It is grown mainly in Badajoz.

Morona:  tree with a thick crown and medium vigor. The fruits are heavy, spherical-ovoid in shape, slightly asymmetrical. It is a variety that ripens late, has high and constant productivity. Variety cultivated in the province of Seville.

Palomar:  variety of upright bearing, high vigor and thick crown. It has fruits of medium weight, slightly asymmetrical and oval in shape

In addition, here we show you which variety of olive trees is the most indicated according to the Spanish province in which you are.

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