When we have the privilege of having a large terrace or balcony and we have plenty of space, it is time to decide how to take advantage of those empty meters and on top of that, take a healthy profit. It is about planting on cultivation tables , a much more attractive substitute than pots, more comfortable and with great results. Do you want to know what we are talking about?
The cultivation tables are a great alternative for those who do not have a plot of land and are not satisfied with not having a garden. When you have a large terrace, you also have the opportunity to fill it with plants, which do not always have to be ornamental, like most that we can see in pots.
On the other hand, there are also the flowerpots in which great results are obtained in a small space, although it may have various discomforts, such as arranging a plant per pot, having to bend over to water or control the substrate, etc.
As you already know, in 1 square meter you can make true wonders of orchards, not necessarily being on firm ground. Counting that a cultivation table can have that surface without problems, we have already gotten rid of the main drawback, the space.
In addition to all this, it also has some advantages , from our point of view, which are the following:
- Convenience: as if it were a raised garden , with the cultivation tables we will no longer have to bend down to perform garden tasks, such as checking the condition of the soil, removing weeds, pruning, watering, etc. The table remains at the perfect height to be able to manipulate our plantation while standing.
- Greater control: although the ideal thing is to cultivate in a garden on a plot as we know it, when you have a control table you have much more control of what happens in your “mini-garden”, since you have added the substrate, the minerals , organic matter, pH etc., and there are no variables such as soil structure , salinity, pH, drainage, etc. All these variables, in the open field, are much more difficult to control.
- The extras: in the market we can find many cultivation tables that have some extras to make things even easier. For example, there are many that have a system of wheels on the legs, to be able to move around our terrace or porch and be able to control the inclement weather in this way. Imagine for example that your terrace is uncovered and begins to hail … just when your tomatoes are ripening! Well, this situation happens and quite often, in summer. In the orchard on firm ground we can do little more than accept what comes, but with the cultivation tables, it can be better controlled.
- Presentation : for those who take into account the design of their garden, a table with all our vegetables grouped in one set is much more convincing than a good pile of pots that make up a “flowerpot”. As for us, the truth is that we do not care either of the two systems, because both one and the other give good results, but if we look at it from the aesthetic point of view, it seems that they lose the pots.
The good thing about a cultivation table is that it has nothing special so that we, with our own hands, cannot think of building one . It would be a normal and ordinary table, except for the upper part that would have some planks that would contain the substrate or earth that we add. The depth is your choice, taking into account the plants you want to grow.
On the other hand, for those who prefer to acquire it in specialized sites, the prices vary depending on the qualities, but they are not very high. For example, a 150x75x85 grow table is usually between € 150, top euro, bottom euro. These are usually made of high quality, with very attractive materials such as metal or wood. But there are also much cheaper ones, made of resistant plastic, which are usually around € 80.
You know, if you are not willing to spend that money, to heat the coconut, buy the materials and try to make one yourself! Just like you did with the homemade composter and look at the results it offers.