Cherry tree pests

We add to our database the main cherry tree diseases in the category of  pests and diseases . As always, we mention the form in which the pathology appears, a way of discovering the problem from the data we offer and the raw materials to treat these pests.




This pest feeds on fruits, in this case cherries, also generating tunnels on the ground. The fruit remains inedible and the activity of the millipede attracts fungi that settle more easily in the crop. The presence of this pest will also be increased if there have previously been fungal diseases.

Blaniulus guttulatus


The aphid is one of the pests of the cherry tree that occurs with abundant frequency. In the cherry tree, the attack by the bite deforms the leaves, since it extracts the cellular content from them. During this activity they secrete a molasses that attracts the appearance of various fungal diseases, such as bold. To observe the activity of the aphid it is necessary to look at the underside of the leaves or on the tender shoots.


Snails, due to their herbivorous diet, cause leaf defoliation and fruit damage. The damage they produce is usually similar to that of the attack by larvae of other insects, however, we can find out that they are snails by the slime they leave behind, which acquires a bright whitish color when dried.

Helix spp.


The San José louse appears with the arrival of heat and is easily identifiable by the small bites on the fruit. They are small reddish bites on the fruit, which in the case of peaches or citrus fruits, because the color of the fruits is different from red, is very easy to identify.

San José louse on apple tree


The adult cherry fly inserts the egg into the fruit, depreciating it. Within the fruit the larva emerges that feeds on its content and excavates galleries. Later, wounds are formed in the wounds that cause the arrival of fungi and diseases.

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