Citrus harvesting periods

When collecting the fruits of a tree, in this case citrus , it is important to know the dates on which we do not move. Although, simply by approaching the tree and seeing the state of the fruits, we already know more or less what is missing until its point of maturity. However, today we help you to know some important dates.

A must have! You have to know what varieties of citrus you have planted in your garden. Many times it is not easy because there are varieties of hybrids and very similar species.


Nova: it  is a hybrid between Fina clementine and Orlando tangelo that comes from Florida, in the United States. In Spain they became known in 1971. The tree is medium in size, compact in size, slow growth, abundant flowering and easy setting.

Ellendale:  this variety comes from Australia and is a hybrid between sweet orange and mandarin. It is a tree of medium vigor, open bearing and resistant to cold. It has an irregular growth, where the lower parts are highly populated and highly branched at the top.

Fortune: it is a mix between fine clementine and Dancy mandarin, of American origin (California). It is late maturing and was introduced in Spain in 1966. With respect to citrus, it is large and vigorous bearing and blooms abundantly. This variety takes time to enter production, but once it bears fruit it does so in abundance.

Ortanique: this hybrid variety was brought from Jamaica to Spain in 1971, and is currently very widespread in the Mediterranean area. The tree is very vigorous, with an open habit and long shoots. It lacks thorns on the branches but does on the stems. Its entry into production is early and produces a lot of harvest. It is also easy to grow.


 Fino lemon variety: it has several names, some of them being: Waiter, Blanco and Primaflori. This variety has Spanish origin, it is a vigorous, thorny tree with constant production over the years. The fruit is medium in size and has a smooth and fine skin. The quality of their juice is excellent, a fact that makes their lemons used in the juice industry.

Eureka lemon variety : it  is of American origin (California), it has a vigorous bearing and few thorns. It presents fruits of good size, with a good content of juice and acidity and few seeds.

Verna lemon  variety : it is a Spanish variety whose origins are unknown. It is a highly developed tree, almost without thorns and with several blooms in a year. The fruits are medium and large in size, with a thick rind, few seeds and acid juice.


Navelina:  The Navelina citrus variety is made up of medium-sized trees with a rounded crown and dense foliage. It has the particularity that it is a citrus with great resistance to iron chlorosis . His interest in cultivation stands out for the precocity that can be obtained from its fruits.

Newhall:  this variety comes from the United States (California), through a Washington Navel mutation. Its fruits and the characteristics of the tree are similar to the Navelina citrus variety, although it has some drawbacks compared to it (which is why it is being increasingly replaced).

W. Navel: it  is a variety of great importance and its cultivation has spread throughout Spain. The trees are medium in size and vigor, with good productions. The fruit is large, rounded and very orange. It has adequate acidity and peels easily.

Caracara: comes from a mutation of the Navel citrus variety. It is a tree very similar to W. Navel, whose fruits also show similarities.

Salustina: this variety has a tree of great vigor, medium size and a tendency to verticality. It has the problem that it emits many hickeys and is sensitive to cold. It is quite productive but has a tendency to defeat .

Navelate: comes from a spontaneous mutation of W. Navel. The shape of the tree and the fruits of Navelate resemble those of Navelina, but with some problems that make it easily replaceable by the latter.

Lane Late: This variety of citrus has its origin in Australia. It is a vigorous tree, almost without thorns, of good production and early entry. It has the peculiarity that its collection period is very long.

Ricalate: this variety of citrus comes from a spontaneous mutation of W. Navel. The tree shows good vigor and lacks thorns. It holds up very well on the tree due to the characteristics of its peduncle, and it presents good conditions of conservation and transport.

Sanguinelli : this variety comes from the double Fina by spontaneous mutation. Within the Blood group it is the most cultivated. It is a tree of great vigor, medium size and productive. Its fruits are medium-small in size and have few seeds. It has good behavior in cold storage.

Valencia Late: this tree has great productivity and good vigor. It has few spines and the ones that exist are very small. The fruits are large-medium in size, have few or no seeds, and present good storage and transport conditions. The fruits have a good amount of juice, this being slightly acid and good industrialization.


Marisol: it is a medium-sized tree, with erect growth and small leaves. Its wood is brittle and breaks easily. It has a great density of foliage and lends itself to bunching. It is early in its entry into production and is usually very productive.

Oronules: it is a variety derived from a Clementine mutation. It is a tree of good vigor, open growth and without thorns on its branches. The fruit is somewhat small, similar to that of Clementina fina, and presents good conditions for transport and handling.

Loretina: tree similar to that of Marisol, with some thorns on its branches that disappear with time. Its entry into production is very early.

Beatriz: the tree presents good development and great vigor, with a tendency to open growth and generally without thorns. It has an entry into early production and presents very orange and seedless fruits.

Clemenpons: it is a tree of good vigor, productive and of rapid entry into production. Its fruit is very similar to that of Clemenules.

Arrufatina: it is a tree of good vigor and development, with an open growth habit. Its fruits are of good size and of an intense orange color and without seeds.

Esbal: this variety of citrus is of good size, vigorous and high production. The fruit is somewhat small, but its pulp is of great quality. It is an early variety whose fruits are sensitive to damage by rain and dew.

Oroval : this variety is vigorous and large. It has an erect growth habit and its wood is quite fragile. Its fruits are medium in size, with tender pulp and high quality juice. It does not present seeds.

Clemenules: they belong to this variety, trees of medium size, open and productive. It adapts well to cold climates and responds well to curdling treatments. It is undemanding in terms of soils, but prefers deep, low-calcareous soils. Its fruit is of good quality, with easy peeling and without seeds.

Fine: it is a tree of good size and production and resistant wood. Fruits of medium size and early harvest.

Nour: this variety is very similar to the Hernandina clementine.

Hernandina: It is a vigorous tree with powerful buds that add a compact appearance to the tree. The color of the wood is dark. It is productive and with a slight tendency to defeat


Hashimoto Mandarin : it is originally from Japan, and was introduced in Spain in 1989. It is a very early variety and has a lower percentage of juice than the Okitsu variety.

Okitsu Mandarin: This citrus variety, also from Japan, presents large fruits at first, which are later normalized. It is a variety that behaves in a similar way to the Clausellina and is very interesting for its precocity.

Mandarin Clausellina: it is a mutation of the Satsuma Owari, with trees of very little development and of open habit. It has a rapid entry into production and its maturation is early. It tolerates limestone soils poorly, so its cultivation in areas with low lime content is recommended.

Mandarin Satsuma Owari: this variety of citrus is very rustic and has a great presence in Spain. Sometimes it behaves like a precocious variety and its fruits are destined for fresh consumption.

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