If we wanted to dedicate a small part of our garden to growing aromatic plants, we could not forget to include hyacinths . Either because of its ease of cultivation, the shape of its flowers or the strong aroma it gives off, it has found its way into countless gardens and is very popular as an indoor plant. Are you curious to see how it is grown?
As you want. Given the ease of cultivation, hyacinths adapt well to both conditions. Outdoors you can grow them in both large and small gardens, and it doesn’t matter the location. You can arrange them around the house, on paths along the garden, on walls, between bushes, at the foot of trees, etc.
Hyacinths on the edge of a promenade
Source: bellasrosecottage
Even as we have mentioned before, its adaptability is great, it has preferences for sandy soils and of course, that they are well drained. If you also add manure or compost to them , you will ensure that they thrive with excellent results.
Its plantation is arranged in autumn, both at the beginning and in the middle or end. The bulbs with a depth of between 10 and 15 cm are introduced into the ground with a 15 cm planting frame between hyacinths. A pH between 6 and 8 is appropriate (a little acidic or a little basic). Add a good watering just when planting them to facilitate their adaptation to the new environment, and once they grow you have to maintain an amount and frequency of irrigation that allows the soil to be moist at all times (but not flooded!). At first, the compost you add is enough, and you will not have to add any other type of fertilizer.
In spring the first flowers will appear. If there are any wilted flowers, you will have to remove them after flowering. If the weather conditions are favorable (it is not very cold in winter), it is not necessary to remove the bulbs from the ground. For the next production, before the buds emerge in the next spring season, compost is added again. If you do have harsh winters, you have to extract the bulbs and store them dry and ventilated until the next planting.
Here’s a list of hyacinths. All are Dutch, given the great world production (95%) of the country.
- Early: Pink Pearl (light pink), Orange Boven (salmon), Jan Bos (blood red), Colosseum (white), Bismarck (blue).
- Semi-early or semi-late: Yellow Hammer (creamy yellow), Bright Perle (blue), Myosotis (sky blue), L’Inoocence (white), Lady Derby (pink), Blue Jacket ( dark blue).
- Late: Queen of the Pinks (hot pink), Marconi ( hot pink), King of the Blues (blue), Eros (rose red), City of Haarlem (yellow), Carnegie (white), Amethyst (purple).