Culture and characteristics of Phlox adsurgens

Alpine and mountain climates are considered extreme climates due to their intense snowfall and prolonged cold. Many of the more common plants do not survive in these conditions. If we have a garden in these places, it is necessary to know what flowers and plants support these harsh conditions. This impressive pink flower will upholster flower beds in rockery gardens, walls and flower beds in your alpine garden. Phlox adsurgens.


When we talk about gardening in hot or almost desert climates, we get fully into xero- gardening and all its possibilities, to have a garden with little water consumption. On the other hand we have the other extreme, the mountain climate, in which water is not going to be lacking, although the cold and intense snows make the plants we normally know survive the summer months only. That is why we propose a climbing flower for alpine gardens. Phlox adsurgens .


This genus is made up of just over 100 species of plants. Its origin is located in temperate or cold climates of North America . It is very common to see it more on the west coast. The vast majority of species of this genus appreciate prolonged sun exposures (taking into account that we are talking about temperate or cold climates). They are climbers or carpenters and in fact, when the genus Phlox is used , it is precisely because of this condition of a carpeting plant.

In this case we are going to give the exception of the genus, which requires much less amount of sun, ideal for rockery gardens, walls or flower beds in the shadier areas of the garden.


As we have already advanced, this plant is suitable for somewhat darker areas of the garden, where the light does not reach all it should. Its intense pink flowers with elongated petals and carpet formation make a perfect plant even for walls, although it is not strictly climbing. It can be used for somewhat more complicated points in the garden where I do not get the sun well or do not know what flowers or plants to put. For the rockery garden it is highly recommended.


It supports temperate and cold climates, tolerating temperatures down to -20ºC in winter. Its flowering usually occurs (depending on climates), from mid-spring to early or even mid-summer.


Its soil preferences are not too specific, although it will prefer moist, well-drained soils with a slight contribution of organic matter . It supports a wide range of pH varying, from ours to slightly acidic or slightly basic.

Little care needs. Simply cut shanks that are uneven and out of tune with the overall height level of the ‘upholstery’. This operation should be done after flowering together with a light fertilizer if desired. It can also be grown in outdoor garden pots as we can see in the photo.


If you find Phlox adsurgens seed , you should sow it in a compost based on mulch without the need for a heated bed. The temperature must be cool for germination which is also slow, so do not despair.

Varieties: The most common is ” Wagon Wheel” which is the one shown in the photos of the article. There are other varieties like ” Red Buttes” of a more intense pink (tending to fuchsia). Another variety is ” Black Buttes” whose flower color is closer to mauves.

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