Features and care tips for venus hair or well maidenhair

Today we bring, for our repertoire of indoor plants, one of those plants that exude elegance only with its delicate vegetative bearing. The name does not leave anyone indifferent, neither the common (Venus Hair) , nor the scientist (Adiantum capillus veneris). A plant that some consider difficult to care for and others consider that it is a plant that does not give war, everything will depend on the stay and the time of dedication.


This plant no longer needs any more presentation than a couple of photos at the foot of the paragraph to realize its value as an indoor plant. The shape and arrangement of the leaves, and the general bearing of the plant are almost unique characteristics of this species of the Adiantáceas .

Common names have a lot but the best known are Venus Hair and Well Maidenhair. The latter is due to the similarity of the shape of the leaves with the coriander and the well because we will find it naturally in areas of high humidity, almost always with the presence of water nearby.

It is very common to see it perching on rocks with constant humidity. That is why it is considered a “ravine plant” or “fountains herb”.


All care is aimed at maintaining constant humidity if we take into account that we are dealing with a fern. Controlling this, it is not a difficult plant to care for.


Rather cool (within what is considered indoors). It is an ideal plant in rooms with a north orientation, where the temperature of the house is usually a couple of degrees below the southern part of the house. Its ideal temperature is between 15 and 18ºC and we all know that the house cannot be at 15ºC but as I say, there is always a cooler corner that is around 19ºC.


It does not require excessive amounts of light and never direct . It must always be screened.


With a very simple equation we will realize the small difficulty of this plant.

Indoor environment + heating = too little humidity -> unsuitable conditions for Venus Hair.

We urgently need the humidification of the environment, at least around the plant. Humidifiers are not common elements in a home so the plate or tray in which we will put gravel and pebbles will be a good way to keep the humidity that surrounds this fern.

Spraying the leaves is necessary and should be something frequent ( refrain from applying limestone water ). Of course, keep the plant away from direct heat sources and avoid hot or cold air currents as much as possible.

Bathrooms (with natural light) are usually the most humid spots in the home. The drawback may be thermal variations. It is a matter of testing and observing the behavior of Venus’s hair under these conditions. This is usually a good place.

Tip on watering:

Irrigation must be done from below, that is, by capillarity, as shown in the figure. That is another reason why we need the bottom plate. It is not advisable to water the aerial part, not even by wetting the substrate from above. You need to catch the water at your own pace.


The substrate must be a substrate with very good drainage. With sand and peat with some mulch we will provide the necessary conditions. The fertilizer is not essential but if you want, you can add a liquid fertilizer for green plants once a month in winter and a little more frequently in spring-summer.


  • If the leaves are discolored to a pale green, lifeless, it may be excess light so it will be necessary to move it.
  • If the leaves curl but do not fall, it may be a problem of excess cold. Watch the drafts
  • If the leaves fall, it is a problem of lack of humidity. You will need to spray water more often.
  • Leaves with dry edges, it is a clear symptom of lack of humidity or irrigation.

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