Arum maculatum: Features and growing tips

Today we have with us a plant that we are going to place as an indoor plant even though it can be grown in the garden. It is about the ring or Arum, a genus very reduced in species of just 2 dozen of them, among which is Arum maculatum of which we are going to give 4 brush strokes if you want. Great care must be taken when handling.


It is a rhizomatous plant belonging to the araceae family that due to its shape and greenness, we could think that it is native to the jungles of South America. The truth is that its origin is European, developing in the humid wooded mountain environments of the old continent.

It does not reach great heights (no more than 0.5 m) so we could consider it a creeping medium, since its growth is more horizontal. Its leaves are large and arrowhead-shaped that can be reminiscent of spinach leaves. Its berries (toxic if ingested), appear as a small cluster raised by a bare floral stem.


Some time ago there was talk of a few toxic indoor plants with which you had to be careful especially with children who are very likely to put everything in their mouth. This plant is not within that group, because it is not so famous, but we could place it as a plant with which you have to be careful.

It was used in traditional medicine to treat intestinal conditions although once its toxicity was discovered, it has fallen into disuse. Also, ingesting the berries is not the only way to have a bad experience. Its leaves can become irritating to the skin due to its high content of calcium oxalate crystals and other cyanogenic compounds.

The Araceae family has this type of chemical compound as a general characteristic. With this warning we must take into account its location, that it is not too accessible or easy to manipulate.

If you have children, we do not advise their use . There is no need to take risks. There are so many plants to grow.



You need cool environments . Given its natural habitat of wooded and humid areas, hot and dry environments will kill our Arum maculatum . It is true that the houses enjoy rather warm temperatures. Although they can withstand them with a lot of humidity, it is better to place this plant in somewhat cooler and shady areas of the house. It supports cold temperatures, even a slight frost, but it is not advisable to drop below 5ºC.


For interior, we are in luck. It develops in shady or semi-shady areas , places in the house that also have lower temperatures, which is even more reason to locate it in this type of location. Nor does it disgust the sunlight, but we have to be even more careful then with humidity and watering


It does not require specific substrates. The universal substrate with good drainage is the most reasonable option. It is not necessary to pay, although if you want you can use a normal fertilizer.


It needs almost constant humidity . Irrigation must be frequent, very frequent. Every 3 days approximately. Although as important as irrigation is the ambient humidity . We must provide good humidity with a tray with pebbles or spray the environment with a certain frequency.


If you need to multiply, it is not difficult. The rhizome is divided after flowering which will take place in the spring.

As you can see, Arum maculatum is a complicated plant. It is not comfortable to care for (it needs constant watering and humidity) and it also has the toxicity factor with which precautions must be taken. From our point of view, it is necessary to specifically want this plant in order to want its cultivation.

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