Flowering indoor plants to enjoy at home

 It seems that when winter comes we run out of ideas about what to grow, especially when we look out of the window and see freezing temperatures. However, we have very striking alternatives, such as flowering indoor plants , to decorate our warm and livable home.

In this article we are going to select the main flowering indoor plants so that you can maintain a garden, even if it is inside your house.

There will no longer be excuses to relax in terms of gardening, with all the plants that we have to show, with their main characteristics and care.

And of course, they can all be grown in pots, an essential requirement for growing indoor plants.


Flowering indoor plants such as the  African violet are not only highly attractive to have in our living room or office, but are also very resistant to inexperienced gardeners.

It is a very grateful plant in terms of the care and requirements necessary for its prosperity.

Substrate: this type of indoor flowering plants requires a constant slight humidity of the soil in the pot, something that can perfectly be achieved with commercial peat-based substrates, enriched with organic matter.

For the rest, 2 irrigations in winter and 3 to 4 irrigations in summer will be able to maintain the perfect humidity for the growth of the African violet for a long time.

Light:  this plant adapts well to different light conditions. Preferably, it is advisable to place it in areas with good lighting, but indirectly, without the sun’s rays hitting its leaves and flowers directly.

In dark situations, it damages its flowering but it is able to develop without major problems.

Temperature:  the ideal temperature range for these flowering indoor plants is between 18 and 22 ºC, something perfectly acceptable for a house in any seasonal regime.

Therefore, it is advisable not to place it on shelves and balconies in winter, if you live in a very cold environment. Better to protect it from the elements so as not to damage its flowering.

The minimum temperature of tolerance of the African violet is of 10 ºC, after which its growth and, of course, the production of flowers stops.

Irrigation:  continuous irrigations, of moderate frequency, but not with much water input. The objective is to maintain a slightly moistened substrate so that the roots can breathe well.

In this way, we will keep possible neck diseases such as Phythopthora at bay .


The excess of water causes loss in the quality and number of its flowering.

The yellowing of its leaves can be due to a washing of the nutrients from the substrate or a lack of light.

From time to time, it is convenient to prune the leaves to allow light to enter all parts of the plant.


The red anthurium or Anthurium belongs to the group of flowering indoor plants that can also be grown outdoors if we have average annual temperatures of between 20 and 30 ºC.

As that does not happen in most of Spain and other areas (except the Canary Islands), it has gradually adapted as flowering indoor plants.

Substrate:  we must choose a mixture that favors rapid water drainage and has good aeration. Situations of excess water impair their development and facilitate neck diseases that have no solution.

Light: the ideal is to expose the red anthurium in an area of ​​good lighting but without being in direct contact with the sun’s rays.

Irrigation: it  is watered, in general, 2 to 3 times in summer and 1 time in winter. The ideal is to check the humidity of the substrate before watering, because depending on the temperature and environmental humidity, we may have to modify the frequency of irrigation.

Subscriber:  in the flowering season, it is advisable to add liquid or granulated fertilizers, at least 2 weeks before the start of the flower bud. We will contribute again with a frequency of 2 weeks.

Regarding this, it is essential to respect the application doses of each product, with the aim of not overdoing it and exceeding the amount of salts.


A perfect group of indoor plants with flower adaptable to all home environments.

As for the leaves, it provides exceptional greenery, with a large, white bloom.

One of the things that you are going to be thankful for is that it blooms over a long period of time, something that we will appreciate, especially at home.

Light:  the ideal is to place the spatiphile in light areas but without direct access to the sun’s rays.

It prefers places with some humidity to dry environments.

Flowering:  between May and August.

Temperature:  between 15 and 22 ºC.

Substrate:  adaptable to generic substrates, with good drainage capacity.

Watering:  water whenever the substrate dries. Better small amounts more often. Never puddle and allow water to escape through the bottom holes of the pot.

Subscriber:  before the flower leaves, until its wilting, add NPK compound fertilizers every 15 days, whether liquid or solid.

One recommendation is NPK 7-3-6 with microelements, with greater importance to nitrogen.


This unusual-looking grouping of flowering houseplants will be a first for your home growing.

It has the appearance of a crassulaceous (cactus), with elongated, twisted and very fibrous leaves.

It has very colorful flowering, especially depending on the variety of Tillandsia it is, although the normal are purple and pinkish colors

Temperature: from 10 to 25 ºC.

Substrate:  very well drained, since this genus of flowering indoor plants requires dry periods and dry environments.

Light:  adapt to good light conditions, even direct sunlight during some part of the day, except in flowering.

Subscriber:  we can use the same fertilizer rich in nitrogen, especially for green plants, such as Tillandsia. Add every 15 days from spring, in the amounts recommended by the manufacturer.


This plant, with its characteristic name and voluminous size, can be combined indoors and outdoors, in not very cold climates.

Its size is quite large, being able to reach a meter or a meter and a half in height, so you have to think about it when buying and growing it.

Temperature:  adaptable to conditions as a flowering houseplant. Outdoors, avoid exposure below 0 ºC.

Substrate:  choose those with good drainage, so if it is very heavy or clayey, add some sand and use a pot with fairly wide lower outlet holes.

Never leave stagnant water on dishes.

Light:  place in a bright environment, in the room where there is the greatest light exposure.

Fertilizer:  in early spring, use a high nitrogen NPK ratio to favor the emergence of new leaves and stems.


The Christmas cactus is a group of indoor flowering plants that are indispensable for any warm home environment.

Its cares are very low and it will bring us an extra harmony at home, with a flowering that combines very well with the greenness of its leaves.

Of crass appearance (cactus type), its flowering is small but very voluminous, perfectly adaptable to potted crops.

Temperature:  perfectly adapted to the conditions of the home, although it supports higher temperatures, being able to have it outdoors from spring or without risk of frost.

Flowering : in winter.

Substrate: it  needs very good drainage conditions, since the Christmas cactus does not exactly stand out for having good root development.

Excess moisture causes root rot, which you will notice very soon with very little fibrous leaves, brown color and general wilting of the plant.

Light: it  needs a lot of exposure to light, but without direct sun, and less during flowering time.

The more light, the better for the development of the plant.

Subscriber:  in flowering season, every 15 days. Nutritional supplements (special flowering fertilizer) can be provided by foliar application, with a sprayer.


Although we can find different types of kalanchoe ( Kalanchoe daigremontiana  or Kalanchoe blossfeldiana , for example), both are characterized by being able to be grown as indoor flowering plants .

Only, of those mentioned, the flowering is more characteristic and visual in blossfeldiana, with a wide range of colors ranging from reddish, yellow, purple and pinkish tones.

Temperature: it  requires good temperature conditions, even high from spring summer, so you can take it out to the balcony or terrace at those times.

Flowering:  starts in late winter and lasts until early spring, something that is not common in other flowering indoor plants.

Lighting:  requires large doses of lighting, especially in winter, where the days are shorter.

Therefore, it is advisable to arrange it in the area of ​​the house where there is more light input.

Substrate:  substrate with good drainage capacity, which may have some compost and sand.

Its root development is not powerful, so waterlogging initiates the rotting of its roots and causes the wilting of the plant.

Fertilizer:  use NPK with microelements (especially iron and manganese) at flowering time. Add every 15-20 days in the amounts recommended by the manufacturer.

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