How to transplant Spathiphyllum

We continue with these examples of specific plant transplants. If we already saw how the preparation of Ginkgo was done , now we give way to  Spathiphyllum,  a plant well known for its ornamental qualities, present in many gardens, houses and terraces. As always, at the hand of Eduardo, he teaches us with a great contribution of quality photographs, the entire transplant process.


There are plants that have to be transplanted out of necessity, to a larger pot, the reasons are several:

1st The roots occupy the complete volume of the earth that fits in the pot, therefore it is necessary to water every day with the risk that this entails. We have no volume of water available to the roots, no organic matter or essential elements.

The original pot has become too small. We have to intervene

You see the roots occupying practically all the available space.

These cut leaves have withdrawn their sap and are an indication of sanity. It is very important to consider how a leaf is dried.

Let’s see the Pachira aquatica that dries its leaves a lot in this way and lets them fall. Contrary to what should be done, people water it more and more, the poor thing gets flooded and root rot comes, I refer you to Watering, and finally the leaves turn an ugly dark brown almost blackish. I will talk about the Pachira and other interesting plants.

We crush the earth in this way and place the plant inside trying to fill in all the spaces, which is what the small pot does not occupy.

Text and photographs contributed by Eduardo Casasnovas.

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