Depending on the season we are in, our garden will express itself in a totally different way. Therefore, when it comes to caring for it, we must know what maintenance it requires depending on the season. We know that gardening in winter is totally different compared to summer. We teach you what you have to do depending on the season we are in.
When temperatures drop, the garden slows down , but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t need care. Maintenance is less urgent and demanding but you have to dedicate some time to it. The best thing is to take advantage of the sunny days to have a good barbecue and dedicate a day to our trees and crops.
Maintenance: at the end of winter compost and fertilizers are applied to the crops that require it. It is carried out on that date to strengthen the beginning of the activity of the plants with the heat. If it were provided earlier, it would be leached with irrigation or rain and would not be efficient.
Winter brings frost and we must act. We can protect our most sensitive crops with greenhouses, straw shelters, anti-frost irrigation, etc. Take a look at the topic we dedicated to frost .
Do not forget about winter crops. We can take advantage of our uncultivated land to plant them, serving as a sowing calendar to see the ideal date.
In winter we can practice some pruning but it is always inadvisable to do so when there is a risk of frost. Better to wait for the rise in temperatures.
The temperatures rise and with it the hard work of the garden. You have to keep the plants active, providing nutrients and planting new crops (the hardest work).
The plants wake up from their lethargy and must be fertilized. If we have not done it at the end of winter because we had some doubts, it is time to do it now. With this measure we will achieve greater development, vigor and growth of the plants. Be careful, because with the heat the first pests and diseases appear and we must act quickly.
If we want to get the most out of the soil while conserving the highest moisture content, we can start to pad the land that surrounds our plants. In this season we can also plant through seed or with cuttings. We will select softwood cuttings, including those of fruit species.
With the growth of the trees, pruning begins . We will work on trees, shrubs, climbing plants, rose bushes, etc. We also welcome good temperatures by planning our garden at home , selecting the varieties and species of horticultural crops that interest us, the space we will need, the subscriber, etc.
We are already beginning the long and long days (what a pleasure!) Where the photosynthetic activity of the plants is exaggeratedly high and this will be appreciated in the growth of the crops. Our task will be to control that growth or stimulate it in the event that it has a problem.
The great conflict that we are going to have in this great time is the control of pests and diseases . We can do it in a chemical way (more and more new products that come onto the market leave less waste and are more biodegradable) or in an ecological way . Weeds also grow and we must deal with them whenever they are an impediment to the growth of our crops.
Planting new crops is a task especially indicated for spring. In summer, contrary to what you might think, it is not a good time. However, if we have forgotten a plant that we would like to have in the garden so much, we can do it, the problem will not be serious.
Autumn is the passing season between summer and winter. The leaves are falling little by little and the crops prepare for their winter slumber. Our main task is to prepare for the arrival of winter. We will apply new compost after the end of the summer and harvest, we will clean the gardens of leaves and add them to our compost heap .
This time of year is also suitable for planting cuttings (trees, shrubs, climbing plants, etc.). We will also have to remove some crops that are vulnerable to frost (for example, chrysanthemums ) from the garden .
At this time we can prune the rose bushes if we did not do it in spring. We will do it when the leaves wilt and the woody parts remain. The degree of pruning will depend on how much you want to rejuvenate the rose bush.