Spiral Reed (Juncus effusus “Spiralis”) Grow Guide

We expand our catalog of indoor plants with this curious rush of whimsical and convoluted shapes. The spiral reed,  also called fine reed or mat reed, is one of those houseplants that give a touch, a discreet decoration point to a lifeless corner. The only downside to its care is watering, as we will see later, but it is a very useful plant and in our opinion, it is elegant and very aesthetic.



We are used to majestic indoor plants, with large leaves, colorful and beautiful flowers and almost jungle-like lushness. They are plants that fill, give life to a room and are appreciated by the eye. On the other hand there are those plants that fill holes, corners, small shelves. Those plants that, although they may go unnoticed in principle, fulfill their function and decorate that hole lacking in green.

Cacti are a good example and very comfortable also due to their few needs. In this case we are going to talk about the spiral Junco that has nothing to do with a cactus, taking into account that this plant is aquatic. Let’s see how to properly care for this delicate (from an ornamental point of view) plant in such capricious and messy shapes.



It is more of a cold plant . It prefers a cool situation in the house and also tolerates the cold in an amazing way. It can be had outdoors even with severe frosts because its minimum threshold temperature is -15 ºC nothing more and nothing less.


Prefers direct sun . Ideal also for outdoors although it can be perfectly kept indoors. In summer it is convenient to protect it a little more from direct sun but it is an aspect that should not be overly concerned.


We reached the critical point. The reeds are not watered. They are given to drink. They need conditions of continuous humidity in the substrate. There will be few indoor plants that we talk about that will withstand these conditions.

We always say good drainage! Beware of waterlogging! With the Spiral Junco we don’t have to worry. Water water and more water.

Withstands waterlogging like a charm. You just have to think that reeds are aquatic and grow on the banks of rivers. The only critical point for this plant is that it does not lack water at any time. Therefore, a good way to achieve this is to have a plate under the pot with a couple of fingers of water permanently .

This will ensure that the substrate remains continuously wet.


A monthly low nitrogen fertilizer during spring and summer is optional but will enhance its appearance During the rest of the year you have to let it rest from fertilizers but not from watering. Remember that water has to always be present.


  • It is multiplied with a simple division of kills at the beginning of spring
  • During winter indoors, it should be protected from direct sun, although in other seasons it supports it.
  • It is a very suitable plant for decorating ponds as well.

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