Tips for the home garden

If you have already decided to set up a garden at home , you have the distribution scheme made, the seeds or seedlings purchased and the land prepared, you only have to collect information to get the most out of your crops. Make the most of these recommendations to make the most of your ” ecological space “




The first recommendation is that if you are a newcomer (we all have a start) you start by planting crops that are easy to develop. For example: radish, lettuce, chard, onion, carrots, squash, potatoes, tomatoes, etc.

If you grow with seeds, it is best to do it indoors . In your home, with the controlled environment, you will get the most out of your seeds and you will get very well developed seedlings. When they grow enough, do the transplant under the open sky and set up your garden!

Space is very important and every crop has it (for example, chard needs a lot of space). In this table , in addition to the cultivation calendar, we have also added the planting framework for some vegetables. It also prevents high-growth plants (tomato, eggplant, peppers, etc.) from creating shade for creeping-growing crops.


That you have little space in your garden is no excuse for us. And if not, you just have to look at how this orchard can be set up. With these tips you can make the most of your garden at home.

  • Intersperse rows of fast-growing crops with slow-growing crops. When fast growing plants are harvested, there will be more room for slow growing plants.
  • Take advantage of fences or fences on the edge of your garden as a support for climbing plants.
  • Mix the vegetables with aromatic plants. They associate very well, repel some pests (in Gardenprue we will never say that they are insecticides but repellents) and incidentally you collect aromatic herbs for your meals.
  • As is normal in any garden, weeds will grow on it. It is better to remove them when they are small than when they grow up.
 Don’t you have a garden? Well, it is not an impediment …

That is what growing in pots is for. It would deal with the home garden itself. Here are some recommendations.

  • Tomatoes or peppers need large pots, you can take advantage of the balcony railing to guard the tomato plant.
  • If your pots are large, you can plant some aromatic in the same pot. They will associate very well. For example, for your tomato plant you can combine aromatics such as parsley, mint, lemon balm, basil or calendula.
  • Since they will grow in pots, the ideal is that you use substrate and not garden soil.
  • Soil drains excess water naturally, but pots don’t. That is why it is essential that they have holes in the base, so you can also recover part of the water applied in the irrigation.
  • A recommendation of the size of containers in the following: for tomatoes and peppers a container of 15-20
  • L, and for the rest of the vegetables containers of 10 L.


In most cases, the time of collection is observed with the naked eye, but in case the flies here you have a useful reference to know when to collect.

    • Tomatoes: for salad that are still green. To fry that they are red and ripe.
    • Summer squash: harvested when small in size. 20 cm long is a good pick.
    • Radish: they  are usually harvested from 2.5 cm.
    • Spinach: harvested when the leaves are a good size and just before the midrib hardens.
    • Peppers: it  will depend on the color you want to obtain from the pepper. They must be large and well formed.
    • Peas:  they must have a well developed pod.
    • Cucumbers: from 10 cm is a good size to collect.
    • Carrots: when the carrot shows part of its flesh, you will know the size before you pick it up.
    • Onion:  You will be able to see part of the onion head, even if you have to dig up a bit.


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