If year after year you plant the same, in the end you end up getting bored. Apart from the fact that you would not be improving the properties of the soil through the rotation of crops and the association of plants, nobody wants to eat the same thing over and over again. As the variety is the taste, we show you a lot of types of lettuce so that you can choose your favorite. Attentive to colors and shapes, because it opens an important range to our imagination!
Everything must be said, the varieties that are planted also go by the area that you live. And the sad thing is that in very few cases it is because of the weather. Here, in this intensive agriculture, few people take risks and do what they see from the neighbor. «If I fall, let him fall too». Of course, then there are the problems of monocultures that have a very low price due to the production surplus.
No gentlemen! In variety is the taste. And being a famous crop, we will find a great variety of types of lettuce.
First of all, decide to grow lettuce, one of the most typical vegetables present in almost all salads. In Gardenprue we did an article about its cultivation . Do not miss it!
And watch out! Now that you plan to grow your lettuces, have this article on lettuce pests and diseases handy , lest caterpillars, aphids and fungi get their boots on. 🙂
In varieties there is nothing written, and although now the trend of seed houses is to improve resistance to the weather, increase production and offer better yields depending on the type of soil, we also find different varieties of lettuces that satisfy all staff .
In some of these we will see conventional types of lettuce and other rarer ones, with flavor changes to mix in salads and give a leap in quality.
It is a type of lettuce well known in Spain. It forms a compact sphere with lots of green leaves. They are thin, long and are attached to the main stem. It is typical of spring.
Within the “great lakes” type of lettuce we find sub-varieties that have been removing seed houses year after year.
- Sowing time: from January to June.
- Planting frame: 30 cm between plants and 50 cm between lines.
- Sowing depth: 0.5-1 cm deep, placing several seeds per hole.
- Light exposure: grows well in all situations.
- Harvest time: in Mediterranean climate, between June and August. In continental climate, it is delayed to July to September.
Great Lakes 118 (Iceberg type)
Among these types of late cycle lettuces, one that stands out is this variety. It is quite resistant to heading and is adapted to spring, summer and autumn cultivation. It forms fairly uniform and rounded buds of great weight, and has a planting frame of 0.4 x 0.3 m.
Great Lakes California
It usually has physical characteristics very similar to other varieties of “great lake” type lettuce.
Planting date:
Mediterranean climate: January to July.
Continental climate: March to May.
The sowing in seedbed is done from January.
Date of collection:
Mediterranean climate: May to August. November to December
Continental climate: July to September. November and dicember.
A kind of lettuce that is also well known. It has a loose bud, medium curly leaves and a buttery texture that reminds us of the trocadero type (which we will see below). A handicap of its cultivation is that, once cut, it oxidizes very easily and becomes inedible.
Some interesting varieties of the Batavia type of lettuce are Venecia, Floreal, Triatlon Boavista, Vico and Matinale. These last three for winter.
We have before us a type of lettuce with a smooth leaf and leaves with a buttery flavor that is widely accepted in the Anglo-Saxon market. It can be planted from August to February and prefers loose soils, with good drainage and a good content of organic matter, to favor its rooting.
Of the Roman we can find both summer and autumn varieties. They are usually large, long, robust leaves and a fairly pronounced white midrib.
The romaine lettuce has a great nutritional composition (that is one of the most used and consumed in the country) and resists a wide range of temperatures, so it can be grown throughout the year.
It is a variety of curly type lettuce and cultivation of greater difficulty. It has a 90-day cycle with a 30 x 30 cm plantation frame (70,000-80,000 plants / ha).
This peculiar variety of lettuce, which is not found in many supermarkets, is easily recognizable by its wrinkled leaves and its reddish color. In the mouth it is crunchy, tasty and sweet in taste. It adds a great color to your salads both spring and summer.
This not-so-common lettuce is curly type and with a characteristic bitter taste, compared to other types of lettuce . As you can guess from its name, its origin is Italian 🙂 Great to mix with other lettuces to form an appetizing salad full of color.
This type of lettuce is suitable for various culinary dishes:
- To mix with other lettuces in salad (crunchier and visual color change)
- In sandwiches or hamburgers
- As a garnish for meat and fish.
For example, the Italian salad usually has this Lollo Rosso variety, or the combination of gorgonzola cheese, walnuts, some fruit (pear or apple) and Lollo Rosso.
As you can see, it is a lettuce typical of Italian cuisine.
This variety of lettuce is entirely green in color, and is large and uniform, although less in volume than others of the same size. It is harvested around 40 days after planting and is quite resistant to high temperatures (between 20 and 30 ºC).
It is also known as summer lettuce, although it does not require that it be planted only on that date. It is usually planted in tropical areas throughout the year and has a voluminous cabbage, with leaves that can reach up to 25 cm in length.
Genetic improvement has made Kagraner Sommer lettuce types resistant to heat to be able to be grown in warm areas and avoid the famous spike, which completely discards the plant.
They are thus known for their size compared to the rest of the varieties. It has a short harvest time, around 45 days from its planting and is planted with a planting frame of 20 centimeters between lettuce and 30 cm between rows. Depending on your climate, you can plant this variety of lettuce all year round.
It is perhaps one of the best known and used in Spain, since due to its size it is perfect for lonely people or small families. You can use a lettuce sprout to add to a salad, without removing leaves or leaving the rest in the refrigerator.
They are usually served in trays of several, usually 3 lettuces (as in the photo).
It is also known as Little Gem , and practically in taste and appearance it is like a Roman, but obviously much smaller in size.
It is usually very similar in color and shape to the iceberg, although it develops a smaller size. Its flavor is pleasant, sweet and smooth on the palate. Among this type of lettuce, the Bibb and Boston varieties stand out .
Within the butter lettuce we find other types, such as the 4 seasons butter (more purplish color). It is harvested after 60 days and its planting period is from January to April.
Cabbage type lettuce, quite tight and with a great density of leaves. It is entirely green in color (like trocadero), tender and crunchy when bitten, and great in flavor (within what a lettuce can offer). It is harvested 3 or 4 months from the beginning of sowing, depending on the weather.
- Origin: Asian (from the Lactuca serriola subtype ).
- Sowing in seedbed : in Mediterranean climate, sow between January and March. Continental weather. January-February and October and November.
- Sowing depth: 0.5 to 1 cm deep. Put several seeds (between 3 and 4) per hole and then perform peeling .
- Planting frame: 20-30 cm between plants and 40-50 cm between lines.
- Solar exposure: adaptable to all situations.
- Irrigation: frequent and regular.
- Harvesting period: Mediterranean climate from April to June. Continental climate from May to June and February-March.
Tudela cogollitos are small types of lettuce, like baby, suitable for consumption in small families and preparing salads.
It does not stand out for its color but it does for its flavor, with a characteristic sweetness.
You can find different varieties of lettuce seeds to plant in the garden or in the garden and keep your favorites. Ideally, for salads is the mixture of different varieties.
- Sowing time: direct sowing between the whole year (Mediterranean climate) and January and February (continental climate).
- Sowing depth: between 0.5 and 1 cm deep. Put several seeds in the same hole and then perform peeling.
- Harvest: April and May in Mediterranean climate and May and June in continental climate.
It acquires a large size when the collection is carried out. It has dark, green and reddish colors and is quite uniform in density. Among its advantages, its great flavor and its content in nutrients and vitamins stand out. If you are looking for a less common variety with great nutritional content, the Wonder 4 seasons can take a place in your garden. 🙂
eye! Not all of them are here, but the vast majority are. Then there are many, many varieties of these types of lettuce. 🙂
Some last minute tips for those who have dared to grow lettuce: