Zamioculcas zamiifolia for indoor cultivation

Today we bring a plant whose scientific name is forgotten 5 seconds after having read it, it is the Zamioculcas zamiifolia or known as zamioculca, zamioculcas or jewel of Zanzibar. A tropical plant of a bright green and low maintenance that make it a very interesting option for those lazy care of plants at home.

Indoor plants give life to our houses in large cities and not so large. Having a piece of nature is always nice and more if they are plants that we do not usually see in our environment. For this reason, indoor plants are often tropical or subtropical, since in Spain at least, there would be no other way to grow them and their exotic appeal is indisputable.


Many times we speak of genera with hundreds or thousands of species, although sometimes there are plants whose taxonomic keys are so unique that a single genus is determined for a species . It happens with the Ginkgo biloba for example. Well this case is exactly the same. We only have one species of Zamioculcas and it is the zamiifolia . This characteristic already gives a tinge of exclusivity to the plant in question. For more information it belongs to the Araceae family and at a higher level than the angiosperm group.

When you hear Jewel of Zanzibar you might think we were talking about Freddie Mercury. Yes, he was born there. Jokes aside, although her voice was a gem, the plant we are talking about today is another gem of Zanzibar because it is her native place. Developing in an archipelago and on the east coast of East Africa, it is easy for it to acquire its own characteristics, very its own, and therefore it is a monotypic species .


The key factor in houseplant care is usually watering. If they require high irrigation frequencies, it can be the bane of the plant in beginning gardeners. Tropical plants tend to have high moisture and water requirements. However, in the case of the Zamioculcas, this is not the case. Thanks to the rhizomes of its root system , it can store nutrient and water reserves, allowing it to withstand relatively high periods considering that it is a tropical plant.

Technically it is a plant capable of surviving practically without natural light. In addition, thanks to the rhizomes, it supports drought relatively well.

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