Today, in Gardenprue , we have to talk about an ornamental element that is gaining more and more followers. If you are already tired of ordinary pots and you have a lot of space “in the air”, it is time for you to get to know the hanging pots and, above all, the plants indicated for growing in them. Today, at Gardenprue, we talk about hanging planters.
It is very common to see flowerpots made of different materials in patios or hanging in vines or windows, and we are surprised by the way in which the leaves and flowers fall forming a very striking plant mantle. For example, to put you on stage, imagine the money plant ( Plectranthus) in one of these hanging pots, since it is a plant that develops long and creeping branches.
The money plant is just one example to imagine the effect that a hanging plant can have, but it is not the only one, since there are many more species of plants, of all the colors and shapes that can be obtained from your patio or entrance to the house, an enviable ornamental ensemble.
Aptenia cordifolia |
Begonia elatior |
Campanula isophylla |
Ceropegia woodii |
Chlorophytum comosum ‘Variegatum’ |
Epipremnum aureum |
Ficus pumila |
Fuchsia x hybrida |
Gynura aurantiaca |
Hedera helix |
Hoya fleshy |
Impatiens walleriana |
Lampranthus blandus |
Lampranthus roseus |
Lampranthus spectabilis |
Lobelia erinus |
Mimulus luteus |
Nephrolepis exaltata |
Pelargonium peltatum |
Pelargonium zonale |
Pellaea rotundifolia |
Petunia hybrida ‘Surfinia’ |
Plectranthus australis |
Rosmarinus officinalis ‘Prostratus’ |
Saxifraga stolonifera |
Scaevola humilis |
Soleirolia soleirolii |
Thymys vulgaris |
Tradescantia fluminensis |
Tradescantia pallida |
Tradescantia zebrina |
Verbena hybrida |
Vinca major |
Vinca minor |
Adiantum capillus-veneris |
Aeschynanthus lobbianus |
Begonia elatior |
Callisia repens |
Campanula isophylla |
Ceropegia woodii |
Chlorophytum comosum ‘Variegatum’ |
Columnea hirta, C. microphylla |
Cryptanthus spp. |
Davallia canariensis |
Epipremnum aureum |
Ficus pumila |
Fittonia verschaffeltii |
Fuchsia x hybrida |
Gynura aurantiaca |
Hedera helix |
Hoya fleshy |
Bloody hypoestes |
Impatiens walleriana |
Nephrolepis exaltata |
Pelargonium spp. |
Pellaea rotundifolia |
Peperomia caperata |
Petunia hybrida ‘Surfinia’ |
Philodendron scadens |
Pilea cadierei |
Platycerium bifurcatum |
Plectranthus australis |
Saxifraga stolonifera |
Selaginella spp. |
Soleirolia soleirolii |
Syngonium podophyllum |
Tillandsia spp. |
Tradescantia fluminensis |
Tradescantia zebrina |