Starting a garden is always a great challenge. The beginnings in anything are difficult and it seems that everything is coming down on us. Many people start a garden and end up leaving it because they think they don’t know. Many times the problem is that you start with too much. If you want to go step by step, we recommend that you start with aromatic and medicinal plants.
Cultivating is not difficult when you know. Doing it well is an art. It must be remembered that the variables that affect any crop are so many that today many of the technologies applied are not capable of fully predicting what will happen to a certain plantation. In the orchard, experience is everything . If we quickly list all the factors that affect a crop in general, I assure you that there are many:
- The weather and all that it entails . Saying climate is something very broad. The first and most immediate are the temperatures (but we also have, the exposure to the sun, the speed and direction of the wind, the orientation of the crop, the humidity, clouds, precipitation (water, hail, snow) …
- Soil is as important an element as climate. It is where the plant develops and “feeds.” Physical, chemical and biological (macro and microbiological) properties are very important. Parameters such as granulometric composition, bulk density, water retention capacity, drainage, pH, organic matter, salinity, mineral elements (macro and micronutrients), soil organisms, the amount of air in the soil and its oxygenation capacity, cation exchange capacity … We can get bored listing everything.
- The intrinsic conditions of each crop and variety . Inside the garden we have a good handful of different products that need very different conditions. If we delve further, we find that within the same product, there are dozens of varieties. Each of these varieties has specific characteristics and tolerances to each of the previous variables that we have listed for soil and climate, as well as resistance to pests and diseases.
- Plagues and diseases. It is the chimera of an orchard. When everything is going well, there is no problem. When the plants begin to suffer attacks from pests and diseases, we start a race against time trying to eliminate them without damaging our garden. It is, without a doubt, one of the most expensive and exasperating points to deal with.
These are a few variables that determine the success or failure of a crop and also, not only does each of them count separately, but also the interaction between them, since they are all interrelated in some way. Knowing how they affect and what are the limits and preferences of each crop increases the chances of success in our garden.
We do not want you to get scared and see it as impossible but you have to know a little about the terrain we are getting into if we do not want to leave disgusted thinking that setting up a garden is like having a cactus at home. There are mistakes that are made more often than it seems. Here you can see some of them.
The garden, if you like it, is very rewarding, it encourages cooperation, discipline, knowing how to take care of something. We have already talked at length and length about that in this article about what a garden brings you.
If you have never planted anything at all (not even a simple houseplant), getting into a garden without someone to help and advise you can be difficult. Our recommendation is that you start by planting a small garden of aromatic and medicinal plants on your balcony, terrace or small garden. Yesiiiiiii…. We know that you are not going to get tomatoes, cucumbers and lettuce for your salads, but it is the best way to get habits and prepare the ground. And why medicinal and aromatic plants? Very easy:
- Most are very rustic plants and do not suffer from pests and diseases (although there are exceptions such as laurel for example).
- They adapt very well to different types of soil . With a universal substrate and a couple of basic planting tips, you will have no problem with the vast majority of aromatic and medicinal plants.
- They adapt very well to different climatic conditions . The vast majority of them are also very tolerant of wide ranges of temperature, rainfall and radiation.
- His care is not excessive . The care of aromatic plants is not complicated. A few basic notions and a bit of good work are enough to bring them to fruition.
- They adapt very well to growing in pots. This point is absolutely decisive. Almost everyone who lives in a house has a terrace or balcony. There are many aromatic plants that lend themselves to growing in pots. You can start there.
If the aromatic and medicinal plants convince you and you want more, you will be ready to make the leap to growing vegetables. Experiment with simple crops like bell peppers, radishes, lettuce first. Little by little you will see how you get into more and more crops.