What a garden gives you

This topic differs a bit from what we are used to. Lately it seems that we are going too much to the realm of the technicalities overlooking that this is a blog, or well, we tried. The fact is that today “inspiration” has come to us and we are going to tell about what the fact of having a garden can offer us .




Getting started in the horticultural world has many advantages, but the main thing is that you have a source of fruits and vegetables produced by you, organic in most cases and to share with family and friends. How much can be produced? It is always variable, but you can help yourself from the topic we did about the performance of the organic garden . It touches to take calculator, to count family and friends and available square meters. The equation will determine how much you need to grow. At Gardenprue we always recommend planning anything before getting involved!


A garden is a complex system of living organisms, and you are in charge of managing it. Whether you get better or worse results will depend on your knowledge, your interest and the sacrifice you put into it. This sum of concepts gives the same result in all cases: responsibility and it is very important if the same case applies to children, since they too have to be part of the garden, taking care of it and collecting the fruits of their work.

«The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary»


What better activity to promote an ecological mentality than to start in the world of ecological gardens , taking one more step in permaculture , a practically new system (1970) of environment-human integration that seeks to coexist in the most ecological way possible with the environment. It is a closed circle of 0 waste generation that follows the following scheme:


The next season’s garden will be better than this year’s. We assume this criterion as long as there is no particular atmospheric problem (hail, strong winds, little sun, etc.) or biological (rootedness of pests and diseases). We assume the answer by gaining experience through trial and error . What is this concept based on? for example, as follows:

  • If something has gone wrong in your garden, study the causes and possible solutions. If you do not find the problem, repeat the same conditions, it may be a coincidence.
  • If something went well, analyze why it went well and repeat it in the next season.
  • Don’t keep anything to yourself. Other people are very likely to make the same mistakes as you. Help him to assume your successes!
  • Try and rehearse. Rotate crops and take advantage of all the assortment of ingredients that a garden offers you.

“If method A works better than method B, use method A and experiment with C”


Gather all the above ingredients and you will be satisfied. You feed on what you produce, you acquire responsibilities, you contribute to the non-production of waste and caring for the environment, and you gain experience. The first will help you to reduce expenses on fruits and vegetables (the cost is time + water) and produce healthy food. In the second, you will contribute to, for example, your children gain responsibility  and keep in mind that work gives results. In contributing to the environment you will win on two sides: the non-generation of waste and the awareness of the people around you. Year after year you will gain experiencein the cultivation of organic gardens and will be an added value in your “personal resume. We put all this mix in a shaker, shake and get satisfaction .

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