Everyone has seen an Anthurium in a house, be it ours or that of friends or family. Well, perhaps the situation has not occurred in which we knew the name of the plant perfectly, but almost all of us were familiar with its characteristic red flowers and that protruding spadix that attracts our attention so much. It is a very common plant that we can find in any market. Here is the cultivation of Anthurium as an indoor plant.
Its extension throughout the different countries is due to its ornamental character. Given its great variety of colors, the shape of the leaves, the flower and the spadix, its cultivation is booming both in our country. Later we will tell you how to multiply it, although we can find it very easily in any market or nursery.
Let’s go, step by step, to tell you the most important points in the cultivation of Anthurium
Anthurium grows practically indoors given the temperatures at which they like to grow. If we were in a tropical climate there would be no problem but Anthurium needs constant temperatures of 20 and 30 ºC. We can play a little more with this temperature but avoiding that it drops below 15 ºC.
As for humidity (that is why we have said about tropical climates) it needs it in large concentrations. It is usually enough that it is above 60% and in many cases we will not have it in our house. We can simply spray the plant from time to time avoiding exposing it to the sun afterwards.
As for the light, the ideal is to arrange the pot with the Anthurium plant in light conditions but without exposing it to solar radiation.
Any indoor plant is nourished by the substrate that we add, so it is a very important factor to take into account. In the case of Anthurium we will not have any special element when choosing the soil. Having good aeration and good drainage to drain excess water is essential, but generally in any plant. As for the pH, we will choose one that is close to neutral but tending to acid. The compost mix on the substrate helps to achieve this pH.
A good recommendation is to choose a substrate that is as porous as possible. That is, whose water-air ratio is good (half large particles and half small particles, well mixed).
Irrigation needs
Inside our house, as a general rule, we will always have the same warm temperatures. This means that the irrigation water does not last as long as in other outdoor conditions, for example in winter. We must be more constant with watering, especially in the case of Anthurium , watering 2 or 3 times a week in summer and around once a week.
But as we always like to say, do not set time without first checking the condition of the substrate, as it may be the case that “it’s time” to water and the substrate still retains moisture.
Liquid fertilizers generally have a good response in the cultivation of Anthurium . The frequency of application is variable, but is usually around 2 weeks. They are complete fertilizers, with a good concentration of micronutrients, with great importance for iron . We can mention some mineral fertilizers recommended for Anthurium as calcium nitrate or ammonium nitrate, the nitric acid, the potassium nitrate, etc.
Indoor plants require good care and prevention against pests and diseases. Since we are at home, it is easier for us to take a look at them and check that everything is fine and we do not have unexpected visitors. In the cultivation of Anthurium we can find some pests and diseases like these:
- Trips
- Aphid
- White fly
- Mites
- Slugs and snails
- Mealybugs
Remember how to identify and combat aphids on indoor plants!
- Phytopthora
- Fusarium
- Pythium
- Colletotrichum
As we have commented at the beginning of this article, this plant has several ways of multiplication that go from seeds to vegetative methods . Normally this is reserved for the large greenhouse crops that are dedicated to the sale of these ornamental plants .
The availability in the market of Anthurium is quite large, so we will have no problems buying it (and at a good price).
This plant is not usually pruned or its leaves trimmed. Normally what is usually done is to remove one that is ill for whatever reason, in order to guarantee the health of the rest of the plant. It usually blooms for a long time in the summer season and the duration of this will depend on the climatic conditions above all.
Depending on the growth of the plant, since we can have it more than 5 years , it will be necessary to transplant it to a pot or larger container.
If you notice that the flower grows and becomes too long, you will need a tutor (a cane or a thin stick) to support them. You can tie them with a fine thread or with a hair clip, which does not trap and allows it to thicken.