No plant is free of pests or diseases, and as they were not going to be less, stone fruit trees are part of this group of crops that are visited by fungi and bacteria. These are the main diseases that affect stone fruit trees and how to identify them.
Thanks participants: Sphaeroteca rags, district oxyacanthae
Affected crops: apricot, cherry, peach, nectarine.
Organ affected: leaf, branches and fruits.
The oidium like disease in stone fruit belonging to the group of Ascomycetes . It is present in almost all crops (including horticultural and ornamental) and affects all green organs of the plant.
Both the stems and the leaves are covered with a whitish floury powder that constitutes the fructifications of the fungus.
In situations of intense attack of powdery mildew in stone fruit trees, the leaves end up curling towards the beam.
+ Powdery mildew control
Agentes participantes: Trazchelia pruni-spinosae, Puccinia cerasi
Affected crops: apricot, peach, cherry plum, nectarine.
Organ affected: leaf.
Rust in stone fruit trees is of the basidiomycete type . There are several species that affect this type of crops and the disease occurs on green parts such as leaves.
In strong attacks on stone fruit trees , it can produce an intense defoliation, and also affect the fruits.
Rust forms chlorotic yellow spots on the upper part of the leaf (upper part).
+ Rust control
Participating agents: Stigmina carpophila, Coryneum beijreinckii
Affected crops: apricot, cherry, plum, peach, nectarine.
Organ affected: leaf, branch and fruit.
Screening affects several stone fruit trees, with visual symptoms appearing in all parts of the crops except the roots.
Brown or reddish brown spots appear on the leaves, necrotizing the affected tissues and falling to the ground. That is why it is known as screening or shot, because holes caused by the disease remain on the leaves of stone fruit trees.
+ Screening control
Abolladura (Taphrina deformans)
Participating agents: Taphrina deformans
Affected crops: peach, nectarine.
Organ affected: leaf and fruit.
Leprosy is an ascomycete- type fungus . It mainly affects the peach tree and the damage can be very serious.
The fungus Taphrina deformans causes thickening of the leaves, dents and very visual and striking deformations. On the underside of the leaves (the lower part) appears a white powder that corresponds to the ascospores of the fungus.
Leprosy in stone fruit trees also affects the fruit, causing deformations and dents.
+ Control of leprosy in fruit trees
Participating agents: Taphrina wiesner, Taphrina insititiae.
Affected crops: cherry, apricot, plum
Organ affected: leaf and branches.
Participating agents: Cylindrosporium padi
Affected crops: cherry
Organ affected: leaf.
Participating agents: Cladosporium carpophilum, Venturia cerasi
Affected crops: apricot, plum, cherry, peach, nectarine.
Organ affected: leaf, branch and fruit.
+ Speckle control
Participating agents: Fusicoccum amygdali
Affected crops: peach, nectarine.
Organ affected: leaf and branches.
Small depressed necrotic spots appear on the leaves. It is a disease that appears at times of general weakening of the crop , caused by other diseases, climatic causes or by the action of pests.
+ Canker control in fruit trees
Participating agents: Waltz leucostoma, Waltz cincta
Affected crops: apricot, cherry, plum.
Organ affected: root.
Thanks participants: Verticillium dahliae, Verticillium white-atrun
Affected crops: apricot, cherry, plum, nectarine.
Organ affected: branches.
Participating agents: Armillaria mellea
Affected crops: apricot, cherry, plum, peach, nectarine.
Organ affected: root.
Agentes participantes: Phytophthora cactorum, Phytophthora megasperma
Affected crops: apricot, cherry, plum, peach, nectarine.
Organ affected: root.
Thanks participants: Sterenm purple
Affected crops: apricot, cherry, plum, peach, nectarine.
Organ affected: leaf, branches and root.
The evil of lead is a type of disease affecting wood stone fruit. It appears in wounds caused by hail, wind or unhealed pruning, entering the vascular bundles through the interior of the trunk.
On the affected branches, the leaves turn silver with metallic reflections. In an advanced stage, the disease can affect the entire production in fruit trees.
Thanks participants: ASPEN igniarius, Schyzophyllum common Laetyporus sulfurous.
Affected crops: apricot, cherry, peach, nectarine, plum.
Organ affected: leaves.
Monilia laxa
Thanks participants: Monilia laxa, Monilia fructigena.
Affected crops: apricot, cherry, plum, nectarine, peach tree.
Organ affected: leaf, branches and fruits.
+ Monilia control
Participating agents: Colletotrichum gloeosporioides
Affected crops: cherry, nectarine.
Organ affected: fruits.
In addition, in stone fruit there are also bacterial diseases, such as Pseudomonas syringae and Agrabacterium tumefaciens.
This first is known as bacterial canker, affecting freshly set leaves, flowers and fruits, observing sunken necrotic spots.
Sometimes, these spots end up necrotizing and falling, and the disease can be confused with screening (disease caused by a fungus).
In the case of Agrobacterium tumefaciens, this disease affects the root and neck of stone fruit trees.