In Gardenprue we are experiencing heat in these days of July. We are asphyxiated and looking at the sun we wonder which plants or flowers for the garden endure the sun better than we do. And searching we observe the flower that we are going to talk about today, the Portulaca ( Portulaca grandiflora ). A very colorful plant during its summer flowering.
Also, keep in mind that there are some varieties of Portulaca that can be eaten, so they would fall within the edible flowers.
First of all, we will start by saying that it is a plant from the group of succulents, that family so grateful of plants that need moderate to light watering thanks to their ability to store water in their tissues to withstand long periods of drought and hot climates.
With this data we have already begun to locate the plant both in its habitat and in its irrigation habits, temperature ranges, radiation, etc.
It is creeping and upholstered so in rockery gardens it will be phenomenal, controlling its expansion so as not to completely cover the rock. In addition, its root system develops in extension and not in depth, so in this type of rocky supports of rather superficial soil it will develop without any problem.
Its great varietal distribution allows us to combine colors and the ornamental hybridizations that have been achieved allow single, double and varied colored flowers.
The name of the species already gives us clues, grandi and flora. White and bottled right? Indeed, its summer flowering is explosive. From the end of spring until well into autumn, depending on which climates and amount of solar radiation, we will have such an excessive flowering that the “green” part of the plant will be something “testimonial” in sight, remaining well below such a display of color as you may have seen in the cover photo of this post.
Portulaca grandiflora
As a succulent plant, we must be clear that the temperatures and solar radiation it supports are high . The Mediterranean climate is ideal for this species, supporting high doses of sun.
What’s more, in shady areas, the flowers fold back so the exposure should be maximum. Just as its rusticity in the face of strong heat and drought is clear, the opposite extreme is fatal for the Portulaca grandiflora .
It is considered an annual plant because it dies with the first colds of winter. Let’s not talk about frost anymore.
Regarding the irrigation of the Portulaca grandiflora, we will tend more to forget about it than to be very vigilant.
The root rot excess water is usually a very common factor in the death of this plant. In summer the frequency of irrigation is increased a little, although it should not be too much.
We must not tend to humanize plants. If you are very hot and thirsty, do not think the same of the Portulaca, it will surely be much more comfortable than you. Take a bath and drink a soda but leave the plant alone.
It does not need overly nourished soil Speaking of Mediterranean climates , typically limestone, we should apply some fertilizer with a higher concentration of phosphorus and potassium than nitrogen with the sole purpose of favoring flowering in the summer.
As we said before, it grows well in shallow, well-drained soils .
- Remember not to water too much . It increases only a little during the summer.
- If it is kept in winter from the intense cold it is possible to get some regrowth although it is not easy.
- Eliminate the stems with withered flowers immediately to favor the opening of the following ones.
- It does not require pruning except to control its growth and direct it since its creeping expansion is more than sufficient.